Update on Omicron severity

Data on the severity of Omicron is evolving, and this is a good news-bad news situation. Data coming out of the first four weeks of Omicron in Gauteng, South Africa suggesting there is less severe illness with Omicron compared to Delta. This is great. However, total number of hospitalizations higher than Delta wave because of

Pfizer Omicron Data

A study by the Sigal lab that was released yesterday showed a significant decline in neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) in those 2x vaccinated, but a very small decrease in those 2x vaccinated + infected. Presumably, this would imply to me that a third dose/booster would bump 2x vaccinated to similar levels of nAbs as the vaccinated

Holiday Decision Guides

With Hanukkah around the corner and Christmas a few weeks away, I made a couple of infographics and decision flowcharts to help families this upcoming holiday season. The first is a decision flowchart, but if you prefer a straightforward infographic, the second is my suggestions focusing on risk mitigation, especially if there are unvaccinated, high-risk

Pfizer 5-11 Approved!

NACI GUIDANCE FOR USE IS INCLUDED BELOW Dose schedule NACI recommends two 10 mcg doses of the Pfizer vaccine may be offered to children 5-11 years of age, with at least 8 weeks between the first and second dose. Evidence from adults suggests longer intervals result in higher and more long-lasting effectiveness and potentially lower

What is TRIS?

Why is it used in the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine? Tris, or tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, is a buffer used to adjust and maintain pH balance. It is commonly used in many things like medicines, makeup, lotions etc. Tris is now being used in the pediatric Pfizer vials because it allows the vaccine to be stable at refrigerator temperatures

6 reasons for getting kids 5-11 vaccinated

1: Protect children from Covid-19 illness, hospitalization and death Canadian pediatric cases have been lower because we have been through extended lockdowns and schools were closed in many provinces. However, in the US, among children 5-11, there have been 1.8 million cases, 8622 hospitalizations and 143 deaths due to Covid-19. This vastly exceeds illness caused