Holiday Decision Guides

With Hanukkah around the corner and Christmas a few weeks away, I made a couple of infographics and decision flowcharts to help families this upcoming holiday season. The first is a decision flowchart, but if you prefer a straightforward infographic, the second is my suggestions focusing on risk mitigation, especially if there are unvaccinated, high-risk

Speed Response Series

Q: Do vaccinated people transmit at the same level as unvaccinated?A: NO! You are FAR LESS likely to be infected with Covid-19 if you are fully vaccinated. While transmission was not an end point in the clinical trials, we do also see that vaccinated are less likely to transmit. Data shows that even if you

Masking: Inward Protection

We have simply not done a good job of explaining why masks protect the wearer, and instead have focused predominantly on how they protect others. A well-fitted mask that filters efficiently also blocks viral particles from being inhaled. We have also received a lot of pushback on aerosols, with people adamant about droplets being primary

Let’s Talk About Boosters

I get a lot of questions on the difference between boosters/ third doses/ annual shots. The differences are mostly semantics, and can also overlap when it comes to Covid-19 vaccines. I also talk about why we may need boosters, what that means in terms of vaccine efficacy and how we need to be mindful about

NACI guidance on vaccine spacing

As a precaution, NACI previously recommended that Covid-19 vaccines should be given at least 28 days before and 14 days after other vaccines. However, after reviewing new data and extensive experience, NACI has determined that this is no longer necessary. NACI now recommends that: COVID-19 vaccines may be given at the same time as, or

Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates Sept 22, 2021 Here is what the OHRC says about vaccine certificates: While receiving a COVID-19 vaccine remains voluntary, the OHRC takes the position that mandating and requiring proof of vaccination to protect people at work or when receiving services is generally permissible